16 Foods You Had No Clue You Could Microwave

By | May 19, 2019

Think your microwave is only good for heating frozen dinners? Use these microwave hacks to froth milk, soften sugar, whip up French toast, and more.

Peel garlic quickly

Genius Microwave Tricks- 16 Foods You Had No Clue You Could NukeVolodymyr Plysiuk/Shutterstock

Nuke garlic bulbs for 15 seconds and the skin will slide off like magic. The water in the garlic steams and breaks down the bond between the clove and the skin for fast removal.

Rescue stale bread

Genius Microwave Tricks- 16 Foods You Had No Clue You Could NukePageSeven/Shutterstock

Oops! If you forgot to completely close your bread or bagel bag, simply wrap the loaf in a moist paper towel and zap it in the microwave for 20-second increments. The moisture from the towel will soak into the bread to make it taste fresh again, but not enough to make it soggy. Note: Not everything belongs in the microwave, especially these 12 things you need to stop putting in the microwave.

Juice fruit with ease

Genius Microwave Tricks- 16 Foods You Had No Clue You Could Nukejoe1719/Shutterstock

Before juicing an orange or lemon, microwave the uncut fruit for 10 seconds. The microwave will loosen the fibers inside the fruit and make it easier to juice every last drop.

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