Buy ativan pennsylvania allentown

By | 28.08.2018

Buy ativan pennsylvania allentown -

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1 thoughts on “Buy ativan pennsylvania allentown

  1. Samukazahn

    I've been taking low dose Ativan for years. It worked well for my anxiety. Although it seems to wear off extremely fast. I actually split the pill in two, take a half before bed, and take the other half when I wake up at night. The only problem is after my old doctor retired, I found nobody would prescribe it. All the newer doctors would rather give out anti-depressant. I had to quit taking it cold turkey last month. Now I'm on an anti-depressant and some strong sleeping pills in order to get enough sleep. The results are inconsistent. Some nights I get only 3 or 4 hours, some nights I sleep 10 hours and still feel tired. I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble. Ativan was so cheap that it didn't matter I don't have insurance.

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