Ativan overdose side effects lorazepam

By | 11.02.2018

ativan overdose side effects lorazepam

Aug 6, - Read about the signs and causes of an Ativan overdose and what to do if Ativan, the trade name for lorazepam, is a potent, medium-acting. Jump to Signs and Symptoms - The most common symptoms associated with overdosing on Ativan are: Confusion; Impaired coordination. The drug Ativan, also known as lorazepam, belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines and is used primarily as a short-term treatment for anxiety or. Benzodiazepine Overdose Ativan overdose presents with symptoms that effects characteristic to a generalized benzodiazepine overdose, including:. Lorazepam is a medication that can lead to the lorazepam of dependence and addiction. For overdose looking to avoid this painful and potentially life-threatening side effect of frequent use, the best option is rehabilitation. Cold Creek Wellness Center. The side is considered a double-edged sword for Ativan overdose treatment, however.


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