Why Is Scabies Making a Recent Comeback?

Scabies, caused by the human itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis), leads to intense itching and a skin rash. The highly contagious parasitic infestation is the result of the tiny mites burrowing into the skin and laying eggs.1 Long assumed to be a disease affecting those living in squalor, scabies is on the rise worldwide,… Read More »

Even More Health Benefits of Niacinamide

I recently posted an article detailing the importance of niacinamide (aka, nicotinamide, a form of vitamin B3 or niacin) for healthy mitochondrial function and cellular energy production, and how it can help reverse obesity and leaky gut, and prevent neurodegeneration, kidney disease and heart failure. Here, I’ll review several additional conditions that can be prevented… Read More »

How Clothes and Personal Care Products Destroy the Environment

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published March 18, 2017. While most of our grandparents used natural products packaged in reusable, recyclable or degradable containers made from glass, metals and paper, the current generation has grown up surrounded by nonbiodegradable plastics made with toxic chemicals. Saying that plastics are “everywhere” is… Read More »