Tag Archives: superbug

Every 15 minutes, someone in the US dies of a drug-resistant superbug

That’s about 35,000 deaths each year from drug-resistant infections, according to the landmark report. The report places five drug-resistant superbugs on the CDC’s “urgent threat” list — two more germs than were on the CDC’s list in 2013, the last time the agency issued a report on antibiotic resistance. Genetic research shows germs have become… Read More »

Sugar-rich diet feeds the rise of new superbug

Stock Image: PA Sugar-rich diet feeds the rise of new superbug Independent.ie The West’s sugar-rich diet is supporting the emergence of a superbug which has evolved to thrive in hospitals, scientists have warned. https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/health/sugarrich-diet-feeds-the-rise-of-new-superbug-38398564.html https://www.independent.ie/incoming/article38398427.ece/6c871/AUTOCROP/h342/PL16158081Overeating%20doubl.jpg Email The West’s sugar-rich diet is supporting the emergence of a superbug which has evolved to thrive in hospitals, scientists… Read More »