10 Proven Ways To Help Prevent Depression

By | June 8, 2020

We all go through phases of feeling sad or upset about something, and these feelings usually go away in time. The only people who really understand depression are those who suffer from it. When you suffer from a depressive disorder, any sadness, frustration, or anger makes these negative feelings stronger, digging you deeper into the depression and making it harder to pull yourself out.

1. Engage in activities that you enjoy to help prevent depression

What are your favorite activities? How long has it been since you’ve spent time doing something you really enjoy? Planning time for yourself to enjoy the things you like is one of the most well-known cognitive therapies to help prevent and treat depression. Increasing how many good experiences you enjoy, the happier you will feel.

What to do: Everyone is unique and likes different activities. Try to spend some time outside, maybe running or walking your pet, or start up some activities that you can do in a group. Getting outside and socializing with other people will help prevent depression.[1]

mental activities infographic

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