Can dash diet cause anxiety

By | August 2, 2020

can dash diet cause anxiety

It took 30 minutes for her heart rate to calm down enough so she could breathe. All included studies had taken into account potential confounding factors, such as age, gender, marital status, education, income, occupation, physical activity, smoking, alcohol, and body mass index BMI. Conclusions Dietary interventions hold promise as a novel intervention for reducing symptoms of depression across the population. Lucas et al. The role of inflammation and the gut microbiome in depression and anxiety. Parker G, Brotchie H. The Global Epidemic of the Metabolic Syndrome.

After all, the better you eat, the better you feel, which is exactly the concept behind the DASH diet. Grace Derocha, a registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator, and certified health coach at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, breaks the acronym down for Elite Daily, explaining that DASH actually stands for “dietary approaches to stop hypertension. As far as food goes, a typical DASH menu is actually quite colorful, comprised of fresh produce, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry, legumes, and nuts. But, above all, the biggest difference can be seen in the amount of sodium consumed in either diet. Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty significant, wouldn’t you? So here’s where the real perks of the DASH diet kick in. Clearly, I was mistaken.

The DASH diet was started in order to emphasize the importance of eating fruits and vegetables along with low-fat or nonfat dairy, lean meats, and avoiding foods high in salt and sugar. The plan was created to help individuals with high blood pressure. Over the years, the DASH diet has shown to be successful in lowering blood pressure and studies are now showing that individuals who adhere to the DASH diet have lower rates of depression compared to those with diets high in saturated fats and red meats and low in fruits and vegetables. Individuals who are older in age who have cognitive decline or a history of stroke are more prone to develop depression. Depression and other mental health disorders have strongly been linked to nutrition and many experts believe that keeping a nutritious and balanced diet can increase energy levels throughout the day.

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