2 thoughts on “Ativan intensol dosing

  1. Tojind

    Ativan worked great for me. Took .5mg a day for about 1 month and really helped me with my anxiety. I actually wanted to get out of the house and do things, which I never could do before. But after about 3 weeks of taking it I developed an irregular heartbeat. The doctors say that the Ativan is not related to the palps but I never had anything wrong with my heart before I started taking the Ativan. Now on a beta blocker to calm down the irregular heartbeats but that is a whole different story.

  2. Yozshulrajas

    I have been suffering from anxiety for such a long time. I felt as if my life was not living for anymore, but once i started this medicine, everything changed. Even though this is the first day i am taking it, it has done a great and good impact on me today

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