Saffron Barker health: Strictly star on her personal tragedy and mental health awareness

By | November 23, 2019

When to see a doctor

It’s important to seek help from your GP if you think you may be depressed, and the sooner you seek help the better, says the NHS.

As the health body explains, many people wait a long time before seeking help for depression, but it’s best not to delay – the sooner you see a doctor, the sooner you can be on the way to recovery.

How to treat it

Treatment for depression can involve a combination of lifestyle changes, talking therapies and medication, and the best course of action will depend on the nature and severity of the depression.

If you have mild depression, your doctor may suggest waiting to see whether it improves on its own, while monitoring your progress. This is known as “watchful waiting”, says the NHS.

Daily Express :: Health Feed

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