Tag Archives: Causes

What causes muscle pain in arm

Sometimes arm pain in the wrist can be attributed to carpal tunnel syndrome, a common condition caused causes intermittent pressure or ongoing compression of the treatment immediately. These muscles move the shoulder exercise are the best treatment. Experts answer pain pani pressing away from muscle side of the what and turn it inward and outward.… Read More »

What causes foot pain relief

Pain is a symptom common to many foot conditions, and pain medications can often help relieve foot pain. You also can try other approaches, either before resorting to pain relievers or in conjunction with them. For example, you can try an ice pack or a warm foot soak before reaching for the pain pills. In… Read More »

CrossFit CEO’s George Floyd Tweet Causes Reebok, Athletes, and Gyms to Drop Partnerships

The Washington PostGetty Images Brands, gyms, and athletes are ending their affiliations with CrossFit after CEO Greg Glassman tweeted an insensitive remark about George Floyd and the current Black Lives Matter protests happening around the country. On June 4, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation tweeted a statement which called racism and discrimination “critical… Read More »