Tag Archives: lower

Negotiating lower drug prices in America: The tradeoffs are worth it.

Negotiating lower drug prices in America could possibly stifle pharmacological innovation. But it would reduce health care cost for most Americans — and that should be all that matters. If the United States began to regulate drug prices, medications would become cheaper, and Americans would have more access to drugs with lower health care costs.… Read More »

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain is a common and chronic problem . It can be caused and worsened by  many different factors , including wrong exercise, lifting heavy Objects with incorrect posture and pregnancy .If pain is intense see your doctor . He or she can rule out a serious condition such as herniated disc or broken… Read More »

JAMA: Lower cost hospitals have similar patient outcomes as higher cost counterparts

Dive Brief: A new study in JAMA Network Open finds that Medicare patients with heart failure or pneumonia likely had more costs associated with the hospital where they were receiving treatment than their acuity. The researchers randomly studied 1.22 million patients discharged between July 2013 and June 2016, and further isolated them to 1,615 patient… Read More »

High blood pressure: Include these foods in your diet to lower your reading

High blood pressure happens when the force of blood pushing against your artery walls is consistently too high and your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. If you have high blood pressure, your arteries lose their stretchiness and become stiff or narrow, and this narrowing makes it easier for fatty… Read More »

Humana CEO: Competition and innovation lower drug prices better than just putting a cap on them

Legislation that would put a cap on prices pharmaceutical companies can charge for their prescription drugs can be effective in reducing health costs, Humana CEO Bruce Broussard said Friday. But U.S. lawmakers should also include in their proposals rules that would facilitate greater competition and innovation, Broussard said in an interview with CNBC’s Bertha Coombs.… Read More »