This Is the End, My Friend. Or Perhaps, the Beginning

By | January 19, 2019

Through many years of life I have come to realize this truth. No matter where you go or what you do, there you are. Whether I am skinny or fat, ugly or beautiful, or short or tall, I am who am am. You cannot escape the sole factor that you will always be all of these. I once noticed that everyone I knew was at one time was one of them all.

When I was a babe I was short, I was also skinny as a very young child and I was beautiful. Now as an adult I am tall, fat and ugly. No matter where I am, I am there. So I need to come to terms with who I am.

I think that this is the reason I am so doggedly staying with my lifestyle now. None of the reasons listed above are why I am doing this now. My reasons now are a simple message. You see when I young I was also severely abused sexually, physically, and mentally. I want to stay alive so I can help those that need to hear they are not alone. This alone for me is inspiration enough to eat cardboard and drink dirty water.

I love my fellow human whether you are a different color or religion or sex it does not matter to me. And I do not care so much what you survived I mostly care is that you survived.

Please always think about the day you needed someone and no one was there. And remember that there are many other people like that out there.

I tell you this because I struggle now so that I can help others survive. I love you all and hope you all the best of years.

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Read more in this series by Brian Cardoza, here.


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