Ativan addiction stories

By | 13.04.2018

ativan addiction stories

I became very aggressive and paranoid when I was addicted to benzodiazepines and alcohol. I was put on the benzodiazepine Ativan in by my doctor for. Mar 16, - A mobile-friendly collection of the best benzo addiction stories on the web, with links to the originals. If someone you know is currently abusing Ativan, it is recommended that help is Ativan, the name brand for the drug lorazepam, is a highly addictive, highly. Ativan Withdrawal and Ativan Detox


1 thoughts on “Ativan addiction stories

  1. Gardaramar

    One of the warnings on the bottle is "May cause drowsiness". Well, that's why I am taking it! If you don't want to feel drowsy, then Ativan is probably not for you. Another drawback is that if it is used too often, your body will get used to it and you may have to bump up your dose. When I first began taking Ativan, I only needed half a mg. to fall asleep, so I would cut a tablet in half. I only use it 3 or 4 times a month, but even at that dosage, after having used it for several years, I now find I have to take a whole tablet in order for the Ativan to help me sleep.

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