Buy ativan ohio fairfield

By | 07.11.2018

buy ativan ohio fairfield

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2 thoughts on “Buy ativan ohio fairfield

  1. Kigadal

    It makes me very sleepy, but is very effective in calming my symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks.

  2. Zulkigor

    Absolutely none. My original dr. prescribed me Xanax, which, for me, is a life-saver. New dr. wouldn't put me on it, so I got Klonopin instead,(1mg, 3x's/day). After Klonopin made me sleepy, I asked for the only other bz he was willing to prescribe,(Ativan),and w/in one week was going through massive w/drawals from the lack of potency of the drug. So, back on Klonopin and the problems went away like that. May as well have been a sugar pill. Needless to say, I found a dr. to prescribe Xanax, and have had no problems since.

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