Ativan iv dosage range

By | 18.08.2018

ativan iv dosage range

: Ativan iv dosage range

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2 thoughts on “Ativan iv dosage range

  1. Taran

    Thank God for Ativan. Even though when the stressful situation came up, instead of having a panic attack I was able to stop it with the calm. I do wish it could erase those trigger moments but I'm so glad I can stop them and manage them better with Ativan. I also really like that I can take it on a work day with no side effects or that fuzzy high feeling. It has not affected my sleep or anything else. It's a lifesaver for me. I'm back!

  2. Vurn

    Very effective for me. It has also been prescribed for my vertigo as well as anxiety. 0.5 mg is enough for me to feel the anxious feeling subside. Sometimes even half a pill is fine to take the edge off. I only use about 5 pills a month.

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