Ativan tapering schedule for gabapentin 300mg

By | 15.07.2018

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1 thoughts on “Ativan tapering schedule for gabapentin 300mg

  1. Namuro

    After having this prescribed to me by my dentist, I knew it was very effective. I'd tried various other medications prescribed by my doctor to help me sleep, so I told him I'd like to try Ativans as they had worked so well as a relaxant before a dental extraction. We worked together to come up with a dosage, and he then prescribed the 1mg. As stated before, the one mg. was more than enough at first, so I would cut the tablets in half and for the first couple years this worked just fine. For the past couple years though, I've had to use the 1mg. before bedtime... and will probably have to talk with my doctor soon about going to a stronger dosage as I am noticing lately that it is not working as well as it once did

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