Why not migraine migrainex

By | May 4, 2020

why not migraine migrainex

January Stress: Stress may trigger migraines. Hormones fluctuate each month around the time of your period. April What causes migraines? Every 10 seconds, someone in the U. A review also showed that surgical decompression of these nerves could reduce or eliminate migraines in patients who do not respond to first-line treatment. Always speak to a doctor before taking new medication.

The first time I experienced a migraine was one evening after school. A dull headache turned into splitting pain, blurring my vision and converting my bedroom light into a source of pure agony. Then came the vomiting. It has no conclusive cause hormones and abnormal brain activity are just two potential reasons or sustainable treatment on offer. Unlike a normal headache, a migraine is so painful that it can blur vision and cause vomiting Credit: Getty Images. They come with a huge economic cost, too, causing an estimated 25 million sick days to be taken in the UK alone each year. The disorder is also much more prevalent in women. In general, one in five women suffer compared to one in 15 men. Reasons remain unclear — though a University of Arizona study of male and female rats, published in April , suggests that it may be because of the link between higher oestrogen levels and lower levels of the sodium proton exchanger NHE1.

Simple painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, can be effective for migraine. A debate”. Some research suggests there could be a heredity factor for migraines, meaning they may run in families. The sooner you take the medicine, the more effective it is. Related Articles. Treatments and Therapies.

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