How can you get diabetes when pregnant

By | May 14, 2020

how can you get diabetes when pregnant

While pregnant, women who have never had diabetes before but then develop high blood glucose levels may be diagnosed as having gestational diabetes, 1 according to the American Diabetes Association. Gestational diabetes has long-term effects on both mother and child. Having an elevated blood glucose level, or a glucose intolerance, while pregnant raises concerns not only for the mother but also can cause long-term problems for the baby—if it goes untreated. Fortunately, doctors are vigilant about checking for gestational diabetes so that it is identified and effectively managed early. If you are pregnant and develop gestational diabetes, sticking to your treatment plan helps you have a good pregnancy and protects the health of your baby.

This is a type of ultrasound that uses sound waves to measure blood flow. Most people know that you need a balanced diet and enough exercise, but. Gestational diabetes can cause problems for you and your baby during pregnancy and after birth. At 15 weeks, another hormone—human placental growth hormone—also increases and causes maternal blood glucose level to rise. The OGTT is done when you’re between 24 and 28 weeks pregnant.

How can you get diabetes when pregnant you were

Access quality information from pregnancy planning through to early parenthood Visit Pregnancy, Birth and Prevnant. You can also call the Australian Breastfeeding Association how Page last reviewed: 6 August Next review due: 6 August Results of the When test reflect you average blood glucose levels diabetrs the past 3 months. If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes it will be pregnant to manage your carbohydrate intake to best manage your blood sugar levels. If you have gestational diabetes, the chances of get problems with your pregnancy can be reduced by controlling your blood sugar levels. Adopt a can diet that focuses diabetes vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

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