Vegetarian anti parasite diet

By | August 6, 2020

vegetarian anti parasite diet

Parasites are nasty little buggers that sometimes contaminate our food and water and make us sick. According to the World Health Organization, parasites affect approximately 50 million people worldwide per year and 40,, people die from them annually. Intestinal parasites can work their way into our food by being prepared by someone with poor hygiene think of restaurants, impure water traveled abroad lately? Once inside our body, parasites live in the digestive system and feed off of poor diet choices, such as too many refined carbohydrates or processed sugar, raw fish, undercooked meat, and improperly washed fruits and vegetables. Symptoms of an intestinal parasite may include digestive discomfort such as bloating, cramping, blood or mucous in stools, and diarrhea; allergies; anal itching; anemia; and anxiety or depression.

Also, I should add: You probably have parasites too. We all do. So if you never thought about or looking to parasite cleansing, well, this year might be a good time to start. I opened up a question forum on instagram the other day so you guys could ask me all the questions. But there a lot of other personal questions that I can give you guys answers for that might be useful. Of course, at the end of the day, the best thing you can do for yourself is research for yourself!

Great health is a compound effect of little choices we make every single day. Conversely, disease and poor health can creep up on us with accumulated decisions. Due to our busy lifestyles and overindulging, not just during family celebrations and national holidays, but regularly, our immune systems are woefully taxed. Our immune system gets to a breaking point and has trouble protecting and defending us when our bodies are confronted with pathogens that threaten our wellbeing. These parasites are ever present and take advantage of us when our body is weakened by our poor food and lifestyle choices. Parasitic infection is far more common than the average person realizes.

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