Heart attack warning: The smelly symptom you should never ignore – are you at risk?

By | May 9, 2019

Heart attacks are a serious medical emergency that require immediate treatment, according to the NHS. The condition, which is also known as a myocardial infarction, is caused by lack of blood reaching the heart. Without enough blood, the heart could become seriously damaged, and it could even be life-threatening. You could be at risk of a heart attack if you suddenly start feeling very sweaty, it’s been revealed.

Excessive sweating could be an early warning sign of a heart attack, according to the British Heart Foundation.

While it’s normal to feel sweaty during a hot day, or after intense exercise, sweating for no obvious reason could be a heart attack.

You’re more at risk of a myocardial infarction if your excessive sweating is accompanied by the characteristic chest pain.

Heart attack symptoms vary from one person to another,” said the British Heart Foundation.

“It’s possible to have a heart attack without experiencing ‘classic’ chest pain.

“This is more common in the elderly, women, or those with diabetes as the condition can cause nerve damage which can affect how you feel pain.

“Working up a sweat when you’ve been to the gym or because it’s a really hot day, is nothing to worry about [could be a sign].

“But feeling hot and clammy along with chest pains is a sign that you should call an ambulance.”

Excessive sweating, which is also called hyperhidrosis, is a common condition that can affect certain areas, as well as the entire body.

If you often feel very sweaty, you should see a pharmacist for the best treatments available.

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They’ll advise you on stronger antiperspirants, sweet shields for your clothes, and soap substitutes that are more gentile on your skin.

More common heart attack symptoms include severe chest pain, having a radiating pain in your arm, and suddenly feeling very dizzy.

But you can lower your risk of a heart attack by making some small diet or lifestyle changes.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet will lower your chances of fatty deposits in your arteries, which subsequently raises your heart attack risk.

It’s also important to limit the amount of salt in your diet. Salt raises your blood pressure, which also increases the chance of a heart attack.

Keeping active and doing regular exercise helps to keep your heart and blood vessels in good condition. Everyone should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week.

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