Best Ways to Deal Bad Breath after Tooth Extraction

By | March 28, 2021

Bad breath, also termed as halitosis, is an oral condition due to poor dental and unhealthy lifestyle habits. In cases where dentures are not properly cleaned, the odor-causing bacteria and food particles cause bad breath. There are many other conditions in which people experience bad breath after tooth extraction and wisdom teeth removal. Tooth extraction is a common dental treatment, which is the only resort left after all other treatments have failed, or your teeth cannot be saved.  If you recently had a tooth extracted, you might notice bad breath post-surgery.

bad breath after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a oral procedure that involves removing a tooth having problem from its socket in the jaw bone. Before your dentist offer you this option of extraction for treatment, every effort will be made to try to repair and restore your tooth. However, sometimes it’s necessary.

There are many reasons for tooth extraction:

  • In many cases, baby teeth do not fall on their own, restricting the permanent teeth to come.
  • In several cases, people have extra teeth, and that blocks many other teeth to come.
  • People who opt for braces must go through the tooth extraction process to give proper space for a moved tooth.
  • In many cases, people who get cancer drugs and develop infected teeth as drugs weaken the immune system.
  • Wisdom teeth removal is also done and which is the common teeth extraction process.

Almost all people assume that teeth extraction hurts, and that is what makes this process more scary. However, there are several things that you should know before you make any perception in your mind. Firstly make it clear that everybody has different pain tolerance. Pain caused by tooth extraction is subjective and will always be different for different people and vary. For many, the pain is the worst pain that they can deal with, and for others, it is just discomfort and no pain. Pain is determined by three main things:

  • Amount of damage to the tissues that require tooth extraction
  • Amount of infection that the area has
  • It depends upon the patient as some are more sensitive, and others are not.
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Tooth Extraction and Bad Breath

Tooth extraction is removing a tooth and which is done for many reasons like dental infections, cavities, injury, wisdom teeth complications. Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common oral surgery as wisdom teeth are last to erupt and require primary extraction. There are many conditions that patients experience after tooth extraction or wisdom teeth removal. Some of them are listed below:

  1. Pain

A certain amount of pain and discomfort is expected following the extraction and which is quite normal. The severity of pain can vary from person to person and depends on the type of surgery performed. Discomfort post tooth extraction may increase on the second or third day following the procedure; however, it improves each day after that.

  1. Swelling

After tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal, many people experience swelling that can be around the cheeks, mouth, eyes, and sides of the face. Dentists tell patients to use ice packs as it helps to minimize the swelling instantly.

  1. Bleeding

Post tooth extraction procedure certain amount of bleeding is expected, and for about twelve to twenty-four hours, the slight oozing is also expected. Dentist helps patients to overcome this problem by guiding them to rinse or wipe any old clot from the mouth. They also place a moist gauze pad over that area from which the tooth is removed.

  1. Dry socket

Post tooth extraction, your mouth will form a blood clot in the area where the tooth was removed. No need to panic, as this blood clot is necessary. It helps to protect the bone and nerve endings in the empty tooth socket. However, this condition causes extreme pain in the mouth and the face and should be treated by a dentist.

  1. Bad breath
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Experiencing bad breath after a tooth extraction is a common condition. In several cases, bad breath after the tooth extraction process is due to a dry socket. Bad breath is also more common where oral hygiene lacks. If oral hygiene is the cause patient should start gentle, warm salt water rinses from the next morning after tooth extraction. You can rinse four to five times a day, especially after meals. With the help of this, it would be helpful to flush food particles away gently and can quickly get rid of bad breath after wisdom tooth removal or any other oral surgery.

bad breath after wisdom teeth removal

Reasons for Bad Breath Post Wisdom Teeth Removal

There are many reasons that patients experience bad breath after wisdom teeth removal, some is listed below:

  • Bad breath after a tooth extraction is common as it makes the area more vulnerable to infections.
  • Poor oral hygiene help bacteria to grow and which is the primary reason to produce bad breath.
  • Bad breath is also due to dry socket, which is a common condition after wisdom tooth removal, leading to a bad odor.
  • A blood clot is another cause of bad breath after tooth extraction; these blood clots lead to anaerobic bacteria to ferment and have an unpleasant odor.
  • Certain medications also lead to bad breath after wisdom tooth extraction. These medications make your mouth dry, and the saliva in the mouth naturally defense against bacteria that lead to foul odor.

Many people experience bad breath after tooth extraction, and there are many reasons behind it. However, there are many bad breath causes after tooth extraction counting bleeding, dry socket (Alveolar osteitis), etc. If the reason for bad breath after extraction is bleeding, then you can sip water slowly as it will help you to freshen your breath. Dentists do not recommend to use mouthwash to manage bad breath after oral surgery for at least 24 hours. Some remedies you can try out to manage bad breath:

  • You can use oral irrigators.
  • Rinse your mouth with salt water as it will work as an antiseptic agent.
  • Try to drink more and more water.
  • Avoid smoking as it will disrupt the blood clot.
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Healing and Recovery after Tooth Extraction

There are many guidelines that you should follow to get speedy recovery after tooth extraction:

  • You should consume soft foods, mainly liquids, till anesthesia wears off. After that patient should consume soft foods after tooth extraction.
  • Also, post tooth extraction or wisdom teeth removal; you should avoid brushing your teeth immediately.

Good oral health promotes overall positive health, so seeking care when experiencing an oral issue is much needed. However, it is a bad breath after tooth extraction continues for a long time and does not diminish. You should consult your dentist, and you should follow post oral surgery guidelines for a speedy recovery and get rid of bad breath.

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