Tag Archives: sign

11 Things You Should Do at the First Sign of Flu

Conditions How you take care of yourself when flu symptoms start can make all the difference in the lifespan of the virus. First, don’t catch the flu BeanRibbon/Shutterstock “The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year,” says Niket Sonpal, MD, a New York City-based internist and gastroenterologist. While a… Read More »

What is Lhermitte's sign?

Lhermitte’s sign is a short, intense sensation that feels similar to an electric shock passing down the neck and spine and radiating through the trunk and limbs. While not specific to multiple sclerosis, people with the disease most often report it. Some people prefer to call Lhermitte’s sign, the barber chair phenomenon because it may… Read More »

Medical News Today: Alzheimer's: These psychiatric symptoms may be an early sign

By the time that the symptoms of dementia emerge in Alzheimer’s disease, tissue damage is well underway in the brain. Now, scientists propose that specific psychiatric symptoms – such as depression, anxiety, sleep disruption, and loss of appetite – may serve as markers of very early brain changes in Alzheimer’s.